These are both some free and paid for options here but I think they give you some great choices to take a look through.
1. iOS 16 Brown Aesthetic 1000 App Icons Pack by “LaconicEarthlingShop”
Sold on Etsy, this Brown App icon pack covers over 1000 icons and works for both iOS 14 & 16. It offers some really stylish & chic designs that are perfect for anyone wanting to add a more stylish edge to their home screen. It’s not only icons covered but widgets as well, and as you can see it is incredibly well rated with some amazing reviews. So this one is definitely worth checking out, simply search on Etsy for “Brown App Icons”.
2. Cozy Beige iPhone Icon Set by “LunarluxNotes”
Again sold on Etsy but this icon pack is a bit lighter in nature (cheaper too) than the pack offer by LaconicEarthlingShop. This set of just over 500 icons works with both iOS 14 & 16 and is perfect for those wanting something a little more homey and cute. I absolutely adore the designs in this one and they are perfect for anyone who wants to add some personality to their app icons without going too crazy. You can find this icon pack by searching “Cozy Beige Icons” on Etsy. They offer a whole range of wallpapers as well that work really with the icons.
3. Light Brown App Icons by “Wallpapers Clan”
There is a free version that offers a set of 50+ icons. They are all pretty basic but offer that more natural look if you’re not wanting to spend any money and just want to test out the whole aesthetic thing. I think they would look great with some of the amazing wallpapers that can be found on Unsplash for example. Please read the instructions when it comes to how to download the icons and what your rights are with them.
4. Aesthetic Brown App Icons by “Considering Apple”
Another free offering but it gives you the option to download individual brown app icons instead of the whole pack . I think this is a great option if you just want to change up a few of your current icons without going too crazy. You can find Considering Apple on Pinterest where they also offer some amazing wallpapers for your phone.
5. MONOS Brown - iOS Home Screen App Icons by “Gravigo”
I think these are my favorite—brown and minimalist. You can find it on Gumroad just search for the above. It’s a paid for icon pack (currently $9) but you get icons across 5 color tonalities of brown as well as some custom wallpapers too. I love the look of these and think they would be perfect for anyone who wants to go for a more clean and stylish vibe on their home screen. I really minimal line look here.
6. Dark Academia | Aesthetic 300 App Icon Pack by “StudioSolasta”
For those who really dig that darker Brown look—this icon pack from StudioSolasta on Etsy is perfect. It’s 300 icons all dark and earthy in design that would look great with some of the amazing wallpapers you can find for free online (like those at Unsplash). With really great reviews, it’s definitely one to check out if you’re wanting to go for a more gothic or grunge aesthetic on your home screen.
7. Aesthetic Mocha Brown App Icons by “QuicoStudio”
Found on Etsy , this is another great option for anyone wanting to add some stylish icon designs to their home screen. It’s a paid for pack (currently under $2) but you get a set of 100+ icons in different color schemes as well as some custom wallpapers too. I love the variety on offer here and think they would be perfect for anyone wanting to add some personality to their app icons without going too crazy. You can find this icon pack by searching “Aesthetic Mocha Brown App Icons” on Etsy.
8. Hand Drawn Honey App Brown Slim Icons by “WeDoAresthetic”
This is handsdown one of the best Brown app icon packs out there and I think this is definitely the one that most people are going to opt for. It’s a paid for pack but you get a set of 10,000+ icons that are all hand drawn with a really slim line look. I absolutely adore the designs in this one and they are perfect for anyone who wants to add some personality to their app icons without going too crazy. There’s certainly a “Bee’ theme that is going on here as well. Beautiful.
9. Natural & Earth Brown App Icons by “CalypsoDigitallyShop”
Done in a handwritten font, these app icons are perfect for anyone wanting to add some personality to their home screen. You can find them on Etsy by searching “Natural & Earth Brown App Icons.” They offer a whole range of wallpapers as well that work really with the icons. They are actually incredibly well reviewed too.
10. Coffee & Plants App Icon Set by “uTONDesign”
These are great if you want to add some stylish app icons to your home screen without going too crazy. You can find them on Etsy by searching for “Brown Aesthetic Icons” . They offer a range of different color schemes as well as some custom wallpapers too. I love the look of these and think they would be perfect for anyone who wants to add some personality to their app icons without going too crazy. So there you have it—10 great options for brown app icons that will help you create a stylish and unique home screen. I hope you found this helpful and if you have any other great suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments below. Don’t hesitate to try and experiment with different looks and see what works best for you. Remember, your home screen should be a reflection of your personality so make it personal and make it yours! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Elin Beck