We can achive this by converting date first to seconds using strtotime() function. After that reconstruct date to any format using date() function. Below is few examples of conversion:

1. Change YYYY-MM-DD => MM-DD-YYYY

Here we have date yyyy-mm-dd (“2019-01-15”) format and converting it to mm-dd-yyyy (“01-15-2019”) format.


2. Change YYYY-MM-DD => DD-MM-YYYY

Here we have date yyyy-mm-dd (“2019-01-15”) format and converting it to dd-mm-yyyy (“15-01-2019”) format.


3. Change DD/MM/YYYY => YYYY-MM-DD

If you have slashes in date format like “15/01/2019” and need to convert / with hyphens (-). The following example will help you to convert DD/MM/YYYY (“15/01/2019”) to YYYY-MM-DD (2019-01-15).
